CI 30-DAY CHALLENGE Begins April 1st
You’ve got 30 days.
Can you write a brand-new screenplay or pilot in just one month?
Damn right you can.
Wassup, fellow scribes? We have a really fun little joint in store for you. Since we’re all locked down anyway, we might as well use the time productively, right? So we came up with the CI 30-Day Challenge to empower and motivate us all.
How would you like to have a brand-spankin’-new piece of material by the end of April — and give your creative batteries a 10,000-volt jolt in the process? And maybe even win some cash and prizes in the process? We thought you might.
Now if you’re like me, you don’t do anything without a deadline. So here’s your deadline: April 30th.
This is how it works. Register no later than March 30th. Then you send along 5-10 original feature or 1-hr TV pilot loglines for us to review. These must be NEW ideas — nothing you’ve already written. Coverage Ink will get back to you on March 31st with the logline we’ve selected for you to write. From there, you have one month to write a first draft and submit it back to us for coverage (standard coverage rates apply.)
Deadline: midnight April 30th.
PRIZES: $500 first place; $200 second place, and $150 for third place. Plus the top three winners also each receive a 1-year subscription to (a $99 value,) the real-life industry tracking board. A wealth of incredible intel for screenwriters.
And every writer who submits a finished draft receives a free half-hour phone or Skype consultation with CI senior staff Jim, Tanya or Anna.
Plus the satisfaction of knowing you kicked gluteus; you brought it; and now you’ve got a shiny, new piece of material in your hands.
Find out all about the CI 30-Day Challenge right here.
Will YOU accept the Challenge?