You Need To Know This!

Yes! Get Repped Now is now live! If your screenplay or pilot scores  a “consider” or better for script it will be elevated to our manager panel and open the door …

Let’s Charge Into 2024!

It’s the holidays! Translation: family and stress. Find a present dad actually likes. Ignore mom’s cutting remark. Pretend you’re happy to see the in-laws. When you’re done with all of …

How To Get Those Pages Done

So, another week has almost gone by, you haven’t gotten any writing done and you’re really frustrated with yourself. Yes, we’ve all been there. You need to clear the deck. …

Gaze Upon This: STARGAZER is Coming

Whenever one of our clients gets a movie off the ground, it’s like Christmas around here. And so it is with STARGAZER, an original psychological thriller from writer/director Christian Neuman …

Your Life = Interesting

They always say “write what you know.” But often we hear aspiring writers say, “Eh, my life isn’t interesting. I’m an accountant,” or “I’m a plumber.” Uh, hello? OZARK? Accountant. …