Ready to submit your feature or pilot?

Cool. Just select the appropriate SUBMIT IT button below and start your submission. 

We’re psyched to read your material!

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CI Lite

2-pager studio-style coverage.
Features, 1-hr Pilot or 1/2-hr Pilot
$ 89
  • * Logline * Notes * Conclusion
    * 5-10 days turnaround
    * 33-Category Grid
    * Additional options available


CI Standard

Thorough & Detailed.
Features, 1-hr Pilot or 1/2-hr Pilot
$ 119
  • * Logline * Synopsis
    * 10-13 pages detailed notes
    * 5-10 days turnaround
    * 37-Category Grid
    * Additional options available
the original

CI Pro

World-class by a Top CI Reader.
Features, 1-hr Pilot or 1/2-hr Pilot
$ 299
  • * Logline * Synopsis
    * 16-20+ pages detailed notes
    *Editing/Mark-up Included
    * 5-10 days turnaround
    * 37-Category Grid
    * Additional options available
the best

Short Film

In-Depth Coverage.
$ 89
  • * Logline * Synopsis *
    * 4-8 pages detailed notes
    * 5-7 days turnaround
    * 37-Category Grid
    * Additional options available

Mark-up & Editing

Eagle-Eyed Once-Over.
$ 99
  • * Fix Typos
    * Find formatting mistakes
    * Flag word misusage
    * "X" out bloat
    * Margin notes as needed

Consultation & Mentoring

Phone. Zoom. Skype.
$ 45
  • * $45 1/2-hour
    * $89 1 hour
    * $345 4-hour bundle
    * Work Through Trouble Spots
    * Champion-level Training

Jim Cirile Coverage

Analysis by Coverage Ink Founder.
2-3 week turnaround.

Please e-mail us in advance through our contact form to check on Jim’s availability.

Please note: VERY limited availability.


  • Scripts must be written in standard screenplay format. If you’re uncertain about your format, please see our CI Spec Format & Style Guide. Many submissions have format problems that could be rectified simply by reading our Guide.
  • We do not accept feature scripts over 130 pages or 1-hr pilots over 70 pages. If you’re running long, that’s a sure sign you should go back and edit.
  • We accept the following formats: PDF, Word, Final Draft, RTF. If your screenplay is in any other format, please convert it to a PDF before sending to us. That said, please DON’T write screenplays in Word. Get some proper screenwriting software, please! Come towards the light, my friends…
  • Make sure to include a title page which contains your name, contact information as well as the script title.
  • We are happy to look at any support materials such as a pitch deck or series bible, but there may be an additional fee to do so. Please contact us.
  • You need to be the owner of, or have the rights to, the screenplay you are submitting. We do not generally accept submissions that are based on existing IPs or use copyrighted characters created/owned by someone else (certain exceptions apply, such as when you are working with a producer on a spec piece of material for a franchise. Contact us to discuss.)
  • We are happy to set up post-coverage phone, Zoom or Skype consultations with the reader to discuss the notes or bounce ideas around. The rate is $45/half-hour. Just contact us if you want to go for it.
  • Resubmissions are assigned to a new reader by default. We allow one resubmission to the same reader within a 6-month period. If you wish to have your script read by the same reader who read it previously, please let us know.
  • We recommend you copyright all submissions. WGA registration is fine as well, but bear in mind it has far less legal protection than a copyright.

Remarkable and Insightful

Remarkable and insightful coverage. Obviously, I was pleased that the reader was generally positive, but his challenges and difficulties are what pleases me most about the coverage. They were well-reasoned and important to me as a writer. What an absolutely wonderful level of impassioned professionalism! I will send a complete appraisal of the two review process I received from Coverage, Ink. that I hope will lead others to use your company.

Bill S.

Worth the Money

You were worth the money I paid you. I am inspired again. I know how to end the story. I know how to begin it. I know how to make it more than “consider”.

Cregg L.

Couldn’t Have Done It

Thanks in large part to the many rounds of notes we’ve had from Coverage Ink, we were lucky enough to make it as one of sixteen scripts featured at the recent Austin Television Festival. We were quoted in the trades! Check out this Variety article. We couldn’t have done it without the help of your always insightful readers.

Tony Dunoyer

Very Informative

Hey Jim, thanks for the great review. Very informative. You covered a lot of things that I found were weaknesses, and hey, I’m self taught, so it really helped. I’ll definitely be sending you the next screenplay I’ve been working on.

Mark D.

Blown Away By The Coverage

Just wanted to say I am blown away by the coverage. I wasn’t expecting it to be so thorough and insightful. Both readers did an amazing job, and got it back to me in about 10 days. While they were both passes at this time, I feel far from dejected or bludgeoned. I feel encouraged. While I may not agree with absolutely everything, most of it felt right on. And the extremely helpful fixes proposed are invaluable sources of ideas. I wasn’t going to write because you probably get inundated with emails. But I was just so impressed I wanted the readers recognized for a job well done. I will definitely use Coverage Ink again. Thank you.

Ted A.

Your Coverage Helped

I’ve just resubmitted. Hope my rewrite does your excellent, in-depth coverage justice. Yours is by far the best critique I’ve ever had on any of my script writing. As a former journalist and advertising copywriter, I’d always thought my writing style was tight…which is why I couldn’t understand why I have trouble keeping my scripts under 140 pages. Your coverage helped me get this one script down to 118 from 139 pages, and I’m about to tackle rewrites of some others. I acted on about 80% of your suggestions, and I’m really happy with this draft…but then, I was pretty happy with the first draft, too. Can’t wait to see your comments on the rewrite. Thanks.

Bob M.

Now I Get It

Now that I’ve read over your notes I understand why my pilot makes it only to the quarter-finals or semi-finals.

Douglas B.

Valuable Service

Wow… Your company’s coverage of my script was very, very helpful! It has invigorated me and given me notes that, while sizeable and challenging, are clear and concise and opened doors of inspiration that I am excited to pursue. By definition, “constructive criticism” should be a critique on which you can build, not a dismissal of ideas. Your analyst has achieved just that – something I can build on. Thanks for providing a great and valuable service!

Nicholas N.

Coverage was excellent

I just wanted to tell you that the coverage was excellent. I had (another coverage service) do the same work and your guys were a lot more help…other coverage I’ve received has been soft.

Brent S.

Brutal, Accurate and Fair

Thanks for the Coverage. Just as I suspected. Your coverage was brutal, accurate and fair. Your knowledge of structure, character & dynamics blew me away! I can honestly say that I agree with 99% of your notes. I was glad when I finally got to page 61. It was the first page with no red ink on it. Based on the fantastic coverage that I received, I have sent Coverage, Ink. recommendation emails to some of the friends that I made at the Expo last year.

Doug O.

Better Value for the Money

Wow! Your readers get better and better. This was my first draft just as it came out of my head but I wanted to put it to test early. Many of the points raised are already taken care of in the second draft, but many new points will help me steer the growth of the script. The work by both, especially BF, is so useful, no, both works! Clear, help-oriented, both overall and details, conscientious, unbiased. Do you have other development services with this guys? Definitely the difference with other services like (competitor) is simply, gigantic! You almost have to laugh if you look at them side to side. Impossible to find better value for the money. Please thank both and give them a hug from me, and thanks to you.

Rafael R.

Speedy Delivery!

Many thanks to your speedy delivery! I admit I was kind of skeptical at first because your rates were so cheap. This was indeed the best investment I ever made concerning my writing. Thank you for running such a honest and respectable business. I’m sure you know there are alot of people out there trying to rip people off. The comments were very, very helpful and eye-opening. I’m new at this writing thing and I know I have a lot to learn.

Bernard H.

Most Comprehensive Coverage

I have to say I love the detailed coverage. This is the third time I’ve used you in three months. You have the most comprehensive coverage I’ve ever seen in my twenty-five years as a professional screenwriter.

Jamee D.

Speedy Handling of Coverage

Many thanks for your speedy handling of the coverage. I thought I had covered most of the major issues, but obviously not! Thanks once again. The first coverage was an amazing door opener for me and facilitator for people actually reading the script. I have already got 30% of budget from UK financiers to make it – so it is very exciting, I’m trying to get some attachments and have one of the UK’s biggest casting directors on the project who is proving to be a major asset.

Nick W.

Quick Turnaround

Thanks for the quick turnaround. The coverage was very helpful. Good service. Good price.

Drew Y.

Fantastic Job

Coverage Ink did a fantastic job of analysis on my story. They included details and examples in their analysis so I clearly understood what was needed and why. I am a relatively inexperienced writer of features, but still, with the analysis I received from Coverage Ink, I knew exactly what to do to improve my story and I have no doubt that implementing their suggestions will do just that. Thanks to a great analysis, I am looking forward to jumping into my re-write.

Chase E.

Actually Understood My Script

You guys are the only coverage service that actually understood my script and gave me intelligent notes. I’m doing another draft and will send it back to you right away.

Robin M.

Far More Useful

I’ve used four or five services, and I got far more useful coverage from you guys than from anyone else. Thanks!

Rob S.

A Cut Above!

I have never used Coverage Ink’s analysis service before, but certainly will again in the future!! The reader had an uncanny way of exposing some of the character/plot issues that need tightening. In addition, her thoughts as to how to approach some of these items were helpful and insightful. It was obvious how much time and effort she put into the analysis and I truly do appreciate that. Having used other script coverage services in the past, I can honestly say you guys are a cut above!

Melissa A.

Amazing Detail

I have read over my coverage and I am amazed at how detailed the suggestions were. It was obvious that the reader took the time to thoroughly read my script. I am going to take the reader’s suggestions for improvement. The price you charge for this service is a bargain. I’ve paid more for a lot less.

Carolyn N.

Professional Evaluation

Wow! Man, I can’t believe how detailed and thorough and professional this evaluation here is. But I guess you probably hear that a lot, huh? I recently paid to (script analysis company) and got back three pages of useless notes. So I was a little worried about trying another script company. Your gal (it is a gal, right?) gave me great suggestions and guidance that actually forced me to think my way around a problem I’d kind-sorta-been aware of but just never really wanted to get into. But now I actually feel like I can do it, and I feel like I get it now, you know? Enlightenment or something. Okay, gotta go write — thanks again!

Chris K.

Your Service Is Fantastic

The notes I got through your service are fantastic. I’ve learned more about structure in a dozen pages (finally started going through them!), than I have in the same amount of books and online courses.Thanks so much!

Mary C.

Really, Really Constructive

Of course it’s disappointing to fall in the “pass” category, but the on-line coverage and the script mark-up were really, really constructive. So many of the comments were phrased in ways that were instructive, not just corrective. I really learned a lot! I’ll be able to apply this advice to other writing projects, too. Often, we think we’ve said things clearly, but another set of eyes finds much more room for improvement.

Alexandria C.

You Guys are Clearly the Best

You guys are clearly the best in the game. Will definitely be resubmitting to you guys in the future. Thought all coverage services were more or less the same. Not so!


Depth of the Feedback

I was pretty skeptical because of the low price, but frankly, I was astonished by the depth of the feedback. Your reader offered lots of good suggestions, many of which I agree with. It’s tough to hear the truth about your script, but heck, I’d definitely rather hear it from you guys while I can still fix it, than to get another form letter PASS from an agent. On to the rewrite!

Bill W.

Enlightened and Empowered

(The reader) did a fantastic and thorough job and I greatly appreciate it. I found it invaluable in its breadth and depth. I wasn’t hurt or upset by the critique but rather enlightened and empowered. I am going to cut a lot of the chaff, streamline the story and refocus it. A much better, streamlined, thorough, and professional screenplay is in the works. This coverage is some of the best money I ever spent.

Jon L.


The analysis I received was wonderful. My goal is to learn from this to the point that I can write a script that gets a (consider). I’ll send another by August. Your employees are great. Thanks!

Tim D.

Truly Amazed

I am truly amazed at the level of coverage provided; page after page of in-depth evaluation and constructive comments. So much to read, in fact, I’ve only been able to gloss over everything. Many thanks to AL, aka “The Reader” for being so thorough and supportive; not an easy task, I’m sure.

Mike P.