DIY Free Tournament WINNER!
Before we announce our winner (and show you the film), a round of applause please for these amazing folks who demonstrated crazy stick-to-it-iveness, innovation, and ambition. All seven films were remarkable in their own way. Some were hilarious. Some were dramatic. Some were freakin’ insane. And all were done in just a few weeks.
Here are the seven dynamic screenwriter/filmmakers who made it across the finish line:
JON BUDAS – “The Magic Box”
A dying father pulls his son out of a crash-dive with the help of a “magic box.”
BRIAN FAIRBANKS – “Borderline”
A clever parable about immigration as conveyed via toys.
CLAIRE FAVRET – “Woman in a Car Commercial”
Suburban inhabitants of a commercial question their reality.
MARCUS HAUGEN – “Chair Problems”
Slacker versus fed-up office chair.
A troubled woman settles an old debt once and for all.
DANA MOE – “The Screener”
A buttinski mom tries to help her daughter’s dating life… with unexpected results.
A Brazilian family man hires an assassin to take out the man ruining his marriage — but gets a Faustian deal instead.
Drum roll please…
“Woman in a Car Commercial.”
A delightful exercise in escalating, existential daffiness, we found Claire’s script to be clever, funny, and well-paced.
Well, done, Claire!
And a nod to Chas Lilly as well, portraying the clueless suburban dad.
This from Claire: “Wow thank you so much! That is so exciting! Your notes throughout were so, so helpful and helped me take it from a basic premise to much more. This was a great experience, and I’m more confident about stretching my capabilities in the future.”
EXCELLENT! That’s exactly why we did this 🙂
Click below to watch the short!
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