Get Repped Now Returns – March 11th to May 31st, 2024
Do you have the write stuff? Get Repped Now returns by popular demand. As always, for a limited period of time, all screenplays submitted to CI for analysis that score a “consider” or better for script will be elevated to our manager panel. And this time out we’re rolling out some new features you guys will appreciate.
In the past, we’ve gotten writers signed and movies made. Check out some of our success stories right here.
Right now it’s time to GET PREPPED FOR GET REPPED. In the coming weeks we will be rolling out all sorts of goodies–interviews, sales, free consultations, and targeted advice to give everyone the best chances of success.
In the coming weeks, we will also introduce our new Coverage Lite option, which includes our grid as well as a page of notes and comes in at $89.95. Coverage Lite won’t have the depth and detail of our standard or Pro coverage, but it will give you a quick heads-up as to the strengths and weaknesses of the script — AND it is also counts for Get Repped Now. In other words, if you get a consider for script or better, you advance to the managers.
And since we think everyone should have a second (or third or fourth…) chance, we’re also taking steps to better our turnaround times to maximize your ability to address the problem areas and resubmit before the final deadline if you desire. We will try to also be clearer as to when you can expect your notes back after you submit. (Bear in mind it may still be weeks or even months if you submit near the deadline. So enter early!)
More to come in the coming weeks, so start getting those scripts and pilots polished because here we go again.