The Assignment Game

The Assignment Game

There’s a whole hidden infrastructure in Hollywood devoted to tracking and scoring Open Assignments. Come get some.     (Note: This article was originally published in 2019, and some of the people mentioned have moved on.) It’s not just about specs. The vast majority of a working screenwriter’s income often comes from assignments. We spoke…

Free Consultation October 1 - 31


FREE Half-Hour Consultation w/ Every Horror Submission thru October     Are you working on a scary good horror/thriller script that you plan on unleashing on the world to wreak havoc, terrorize, and lay waste to us all? Cool! For the entire month of October, we’re giving away FREE half-hour consultations with every horror pilot…

Shot Calls, Music Calls – Avoid Them, Please!

Shot Calls, Music Calls – Avoid Them, Please!

We’re still working our way through GET REPPED NOW! submissions and have noticed a tendency for Shot Calls and Music Calls. Yes, we understand you can visualize your writing so well that you know exactly what it should look and feel and sound like. However, sometimes this tendency can hurt your material and your career….

SCREENPLAY CONTESTS – Are They Worth It? A No-BS Guide

SCREENPLAY CONTESTS – Are They Worth It? A No-BS Guide

So many contests. So little money. by Jim Cirile, Coverage Ink   There ya are, struggling along in year 7 or 27 of your noble pursuit of screenwriting, and dammit, the 12-foot-thick armored door to Hollywood still hasn’t opened for you yet. Time to stir things up, throw some linguine against the wall and see what sticks….

Our Newest Considers: JAY ADAMS and SAMMY LEACH

Our Newest Considers: JAY ADAMS and SAMMY LEACH

Screenwriter Jay Adams’ affordable feature drama TITAN blew us away with its impressive dialogue and strong characterizations. An award-winning writer, Adams’ distinctive storytelling and unique perspective as a Queer creator have earned him critical acclaim and numerous accolades. “With ‘Titan,’” said Adams, “I set out to weave a family drama rich with depth and a…