Introducing Our Newest GRN Consider: Mackenzie K. Wertman

Introducing Our Newest GRN Consider: Mackenzie K. Wertman

Get Repped Now has concluded its 2023 run, but we are still busily working our way through submissions… and finding considers. We’d like to welcome Mackenzie K. Wertman to the consider cycle. Her animated feature SAND has won over the readers with its heart and charm. SAND is the delightful coming-of-age story of a princess:…

The Bad Guys Are Closing In

The Bad Guys Are Closing In

Let’s continue our journey through movie structure. In case you’ve missed our previous columns on this subject, you can find them right here. We’re past the midpoint. We’ve just witnessed our protagonist finally gain a foothold in their new world and celebrate that fact; but now the bad guys are closing in, more viciously and…

The Midpoint High

The Midpoint High

Let’s talk about your midpoint. Assuming your script clocks in at 100 – 110 pages, this will happen somewhere between pages 50 to 55. The first part of Act Two saw our protagonist struggle to get their bearings in this new environment, try to advance their goal, and make quite a few mistakes. (If you…