Get Repped Now Considers 2022
Many thanks to everyone who submitted to Coverage Ink’s GET REPPED NOW this year. In the eight years we’ve done this (well, nine, but we took one year off) we’ve never had so many near misses as we had this year. Out of 425 submissions, we had 44 “consider with reservations” for script. In other words, those are all scripts that we felt were almost in the zone – maybe just one polish away.
Despite that however, only ten writers made it into the winners’ circle and scored the coveted “consider” for script. We will be introducing them to our industry panel mid-September. So let’s all pull for these amazing writers!
And for all you near misses, and for everyone else, just remember: it’s all about the elbow grease. The best material always emerges during the rewrite process. So roll up those sleeves and dig in.
Every script is a pass – until it isn’t.
Without further ado, here are the Coverage Ink Get Repped Now considers for 2022. A round of applause, please, for these ten amazing writers!