Mentoring Gift Certificate


CI 4-Hour Mentorship Gift Certificate

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You must be the best person EVER, because you are giving your writer a powerful gift. The CI Mentorship includes four 1-hour phone/Skype/Zoom sessions with a CI Story Analyst (reading time may be extra if the reader has not already read the material.) These in-depth sessions allow the writer and the analyst to really dig in, act by act, page by page. They’ll unpack story and plot choices and character motivation, they’ll kick ideas around, they’ll rewrite dialogue on the spot. And after four hours, the script cannot help but improve by leaps and bounds. Several established writers who use this service to develop ideas, to map out structure and to make sure pacing, tone, and voice bring it.

Consider adding in a standard analysis to get the ball rolling and have a blueprint to work from, and you’re looking at the single most effective way to thoroughly improve not just a script but the writer’s chops in a very short span of time.