Industry-leading screenplay analysis.

Rest assured you’re getting exceptional value for your money. Our readers always go the extra mile, and our standard coverage reports are often more in-depth than other companies’ expanded script coverage.

CI Lite: Our 2-pager mini-analysis that hits gives you a quick impression of what’s working and what isn’t.

CI Standard: Our all-purpose, in-depth analysis trusted by thousands for over two decades. Expect 10-14 pages of insightful, empowering notes.

CI Pro: One of our most senior, trusted readers goes long on your script. Expect a 16-20-pager coverage report. Or more! Mark-up/editing included.

For any services not listed here, please contact us.

CI Price Chart June 2024

MARK-UP/EDITING ONLY (no analysis): $119 up to 120 pages –

Flag typos and formatting errors, plus margin notes as applicable. Not a full-on proofread.



Introducing CI LITE, Coverage Ink’s newest screenplay analysis product. CI Lite is our most affordable feature and TV analysis. No synopsis. No breakdowns of each area. Just the 20,000-foot overview and the key takeaways you need to make the script rock. And you can still add on a consultation with the reader on the back end (extra charge) if you want to go over anything in detail.

Please note there will be an additional per page fee of $1.50 for every page over 120 for features (we’re sorry but we do not accept scripts longer than 130 pages), over 65 for TV 1-hour scripts (we’re sorry but we do not accept scripts longer than 70 pages), or 35 for TV 1/2-hour (we’re sorry but we do not accept scripts longer than 40 pages).


Our standard coverage report consists of a logline, detailed synopsis, 4-6 pages of in-depth analysis of your script addressing all the strengths and weaknesses of the screenplay, followed by a bar graph rating the major elements of the screenplay from Excellent to Not So Good, and finally our summary of PASS, CONSIDER or RECOMMEND for both script and writer.

Click here to view Samples

We’ve instructed our analysts to provide expanded feedback and suggestions where appropriate, so rest assured you’re getting excellent value for your money.

Please note there will be an additional per page fee of $1.50 for every page over 120 for features (we’re sorry but we do not accept scripts longer than 130 pages), over 65 for TV 1-hour scripts (we’re sorry but we do not accept scripts longer than 70 pages), or 35 for TV 1/2-hour (we’re sorry but we do not accept scripts longer than 40 pages).

PRO COVERAGE from $299

With CI Pro Analysis, you will get the same style analysis as our CI Standard Analysis–just a lot more of it. The typical CI Pro Analysis will run approximately 15-20 pages of single-spaced constructive notes brimming with ideas.

We think you’ll find our CI Pro Analysis on par (or better) than any analysis you’ll get from any other professional screenplay analyst–at a much more affordable price. Our CI Pro Analysis also includes script mark-up and editing.

Please note there will be an additional per page fee of $1.50 for every page over 120 for features (we’re sorry but we do not accept scripts longer than 130 pages), over 65 for TV 1-hour scripts (we’re sorry but we do not accept scripts longer than 70 pages), or 35 for TV 1/2-hour (we’re sorry but we do not accept scripts longer than 40 pages).


Here’s an even better deal: have your script covered by two separate story analysts. With two sets of coverage, you can compare and contrast the notes and easily come up with a game plan to improve your script.

If the analysts agree, that’s a pretty sure bet that other people will feel the same way. If they contrast, then you can utilize whatever feedback you feel best helps your screenplay.

Availabe on CI Lite, Standard and Pro Analysis.

Please note there will be an additional per page fee of $3 for every page over 120 for features (we’re sorry but we do not accept scripts longer than 130 pages), over 65 for TV 1-hour scripts (we’re sorry but we do not accept scripts longer than 70 pages), or 35 for TV 1/2-hour (we’re sorry but we do not accept scripts longer than 40 pages).


Our in-depth coverage report for short films consists of a logline, detailed synopsis, 4-8 pages of in-depth analysis of your script addressing all the strengths and weaknesses of the screenplay, followed by a bar graph rating the major elements of the screenplay from Excellent to Not So Good, and finally our summary of PASS, CONSIDER or RECOMMEND for both script and writer.

5-7 days turnaround and available for scripts up to 30 pages.


Jim Cirile will indeed personally read your script if you request that option (pending availability.) Jim’s fee is for in-depth coverage, which INCLUDES free mark-up/script editing. Read more about Jim and see some samples of his coverage.

Please e-mail us in advance through our contact form to check on Jim’s availability.


When you select editing/mark-up with your script submission, we will send back your marked-up screenplay with typos and other errors flagged, as a PDF.

Check out actual samples in our script mark-up & editing services page. Some coverage services do not even offer this service.

This add-on should give you a clearer idea of how to identify clunky writing, scenes that run long, grammatical and structural issues, and much more. With a marked-up script in your hand, the rewriting process will go a whole lot easier.

This is a great way to see exactly what’s going on in the reader’s mind as s/he’s reading the script, as his/her thought process will be reflected in the margin notes. So if you start to lose the reader, you’ll know exactly where and why – invaluable.

We’ll also catch pesky typos, formatting problems, grammatical mistakes, and most importantly, cross out scenes that run long and even suggest alternative dialogue or scene restructuring as needed-all right there on your script.

(Please note that standalone editing/mark-up service (without coverage) is Feature screenplay up to 120 pages – $119, 1-hr TV pilot up to 70 pages $109, and 1/2-hr TV pilot up to 40 pages $99.)


Need it quick? Select our 5-day Semi-Rush service for an additional fee for features and pilots. Please note that semi-rush is not available during Get Repped Now or on CI Pro coverage.