CI Spec Format & Style Guide


The Most Essential e-book for Screenwriters!



Written by CI founder Jim Cirile, the Guide takes you through the ins and outs of screenplay format, from taking those first baby steps through pro techniques. Even seasoned writers will glean a ton from the Guide’s abundant editing tricks.

Included is our very own Coverage, Ink. Magic Movie Formula and the CI Magic 1-Hour TV Pilot Formula. These handy little cheat sheets layout when and where every major plot event should happen according to myth (features) and per act (TV). Even if you hate formula, knowing the rudiments is crucial.

We guarantee you’ll find the CI Spec Format & Style Guide Edition X invaluable, no matter what level you’re at! The CI Spec Format & Style Guide Edition X: everything you need to make your screenplay slick, pro, and ready to go.

To order the Guide with your Coverage, Ink script analysis, just click the Submit It! tab whenever you’re ready to submit your script. You’ll be able to add it on your order form.

To order the Guide without submitting a script right now, click the buy now button.