Double Dose of Magazine Madness!

Hi folks, my new 10th Anniversary Agent’s Hot Sheet column Then and Now is now out in the latest issue of Creative Screenwriting magazine. It’s frickin’ hard to believe I have been writing this column for a decade. That’s an awful lot of 45-minute phone interviews I’ve transcribed… sigh. Seriously, though, writing that column is the best gig in the world. Every time I call these guys up it’s a Master’s course in screenwriting education. The best part is passing all that info along to you guys. That may sound corny, but I always write it from the perspective of, give me something i can use to actually further my career. Since I have been there myself, I kinda know what I’d want to read as a writer trying to break in and get these guys’ attention and navigate the mine fields of the biz.

This particular column looks back on the way things were a decade ago versus the way they are now. Quite a few changes in the last ten years — some good, some bad. In a nutshell, while there are way fewer buyers now, development money and studio deals, new media and foreign companies have stepped up to offer new opportunities and change the playing field. Read all about it only in the new edition of Creative Screenwriting!

Not to be outdone, my latest article for Script magazine has also just streeted — MYOM — Make Your Own Movie. This feature article interviews five folks just like you and me who got fed up with the system and shot their own movies on the cheap. The article shows how they did it (and how you can, too.) We also talk about the pros and cons of the major crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter et al.

It’s a pleasure writing these articles and bringing empowerment to us all. Thanks for reading and for being a part of the Coverage Ink, family! Now stop slacking off reading this blog and get back to writing 😉

Jim Cirile

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