Craddock’s AMERICAN EXODUS lands $50K MovieGuide Chronos Prize
We’re very pleased to report that our client Katherine Craddock‘s script AMERICAN EXODUS just won the K grand prize from MovieGuide for Inspiring Screenplay by an Established Filmmaker. “American Exodus” (formerly “Band of Angels”) was written as a part of Alex Metcalf/Tim Albaugh’s UCLA classes and is also a Nicholl Quarterfinalist, a BlueCat Quarter Finalist, and a Second Rounder for the Austin Film Festival. It also scored a Consider/Consider from us here at Coverage Ink.
Logline: Escaped slave Harriet Tubman rescues enslaved fugitives as a conductor on the Underground Railroad in the 1850s – but with a bounty on her head and the law against her, can she risk her freedom one last time to free her own parents?
The script is now out to the industry. We’re super stoked about this one and of course, we’ll keep you updated. Go get ’em, Katherine!